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OT: Lasik surgery

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Since 30 Jun 2005
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Taxi Driver

PostTue Sep 20, 22 9:31 am    OT: Lasik surgery Reply with quote

Who's had it fairly recently? Where recommend having it done? I'm well overdue to have this done. Thanks.

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Since 27 Jul 2017
113 Posts


PostTue Sep 20, 22 10:29 am    PRK Reply with quote

I got PRK over lasik and it was easily the best decision I've ever made. No more contacts and blurry vision on the water. I'm 20/15 now. PRK recovery is a couple days longer than lasik but much stronger overall when it comes to impact or taking a punch. Lasik leaves a permanent weak spot like a scar, whereas PRK is what most athletes and MMA fighters get. They both use the same laser to correct your cornea, but they differ in how access to your cornea is made. Best of luck.

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Since 13 Jun 2012
309 Posts


PostTue Sep 20, 22 10:44 am     Reply with quote

Pretty sure that after Lasik you should never engage in high speed water sports again, at the very least for 2 years after surgery.

PRK does not have that limitation.

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Since 29 Aug 2013
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PostTue Sep 20, 22 12:13 pm     Reply with quote

FWIW I had LASIK at Teplick Custom Vision around 4 years ago and I still have perfect vision and don't wear any eye protection on the water. I went there because they were the best in the area at the time and had done some of the Blazers and Timber players. Dr Teplick commented that a lot of the problems with LASIK like dislodgement and halos were from back when things were still done by hand, and that the modern procedure with topo maps and whatnot are really the same in name only. The bladeless flaps are also tapered which apparently makes a difference too. I told them that I play rough in general and LASIK was still recommended and PRK was not so... anyway this post scared me and a did some shallow Googling and am still not too scared about going out.

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Since 19 Mar 2009
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white salmon

PostTue Sep 20, 22 1:48 pm     Reply with quote

I also went to Dr Teplick. I had mine done in 2019 and at the time they had by far the most advanced equipment and experience in the area. I had zero issues and eyes are still prefect.

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Since 13 Jan 2006
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PostTue Sep 20, 22 3:21 pm     Reply with quote

I'm about 14 years in and eyes are great I kite/foil/ski/mtb yada yada

It's like going to see the wizard but your name does not need to be Dorothy


Your near vision will get torched, btw, unless you do a bifocal procedure which I didn't like (they let you try it out via contact lenses with diff rx on each)

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Since 28 Apr 2008
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Newport, OR

PostWed Sep 21, 22 8:16 am     Reply with quote

I had Lasik surgery done on both eyes in 2006 and my far away vision has been outstanding with no degradation over the years. I am 62 and my eyes do get tired at the end of the day. Thus, my vision in the morning after sleeping does seem better than at the end of the day. I requested the eye doctor to really attempt for eagle vision when doing the lasik understanding that it would somewhat degrade my up close vision. For me to have to wear reading glasses was definitely worth it to have 20/15 vision and see individual pine needles at the tops of trees.

As far as the durability of the surgery, I have had plenty of kitesurfing crashes since the surgery similar to the attached sequence photos.

   Screenshot 2022-09-21 095810.png 
   Screenshot 2022-09-21 095839.png 

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Since 06 Dec 2011
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SE PDX volcano

PostWed Sep 21, 22 6:59 pm     Reply with quote

LASIK at OHSU in 1999. No issues at all and I was told to take a month off impact sports. Best $4000 ever spent.

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Clyde S. Dale

Since 23 Jul 2016
55 Posts


PostThu Sep 22, 22 3:41 am     Reply with quote

I'm so jealous lol. After enduring cancer and the aftereffects I decided to treat myself to Lasik. I couldn't believe it when they said I wasn't a good candidate! I have severe astigmatism and after sending me for a more advanced topo of my eyes said that it was not possible without the risk of non-correctable results. So it's still contact lenses for me.Everyone that I know that has had it done are very pleased,no restrictions after initial healing.

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Since 30 Jun 2006
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Puget Sound & Wa. Coast
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PostFri Sep 23, 22 2:59 pm     Reply with quote

Clyde S. Dale wrote:
I'm so jealous lol. After enduring cancer and the aftereffects I decided to treat myself to Lasik. I couldn't believe it when they said I wasn't a good candidate! I have severe astigmatism and after sending me for a more advanced topo of my eyes said that it was not possible without the risk of non-correctable results. So it's still contact lenses for me.Everyone that I know that has had it done are very pleased,no restrictions after initial healing.

Clyde, Have you looked at inter-ocular lens/cataract surgery? I got mine about 14 years ago and I could not be happier. My wife is getting hers next month and looking at the brochure the science has advanced incredibly. Astigmatism, tri-focal lens, bi-focal, everything.
I personally got a far sight in one and a near sight in the other which works good for sports/kiting. But in today's science you could have bi-focals. The recovery was good for non-water sports in a few days... a month for kiting.

Edit: Oh... and my wife had lasik 14 years ago and guess what.... Lasik often lose the focus after years, not IOL

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Since 18 Aug 2008
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PostSat Oct 01, 22 6:50 pm     Reply with quote

I got lasik in 2009 at Casey Eye at OHSU with Dr. Chamberlain. Great experience and results.

I could have driven home from the actual procedure; my eyesight was that good leaving the appointment. 20/20 since then. No issues with kiting, motorsports, boating, skiing, etc.

Best decision ROI i've ever had on anything!

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Clyde S. Dale

Since 23 Jul 2016
55 Posts


PostSun Oct 02, 22 4:00 pm     Reply with quote

Clyde S. Dale wrote:
I'm so jealous lol. After enduring cancer and the aftereffects I decided to treat myself to Lasik. I couldn't believe it when they said I wasn't a good candidate! I have severe astigmatism and after sending me for a more advanced topo of my eyes said that it was not possible without the risk of non-correctable results. So it's still contact lenses for me.Everyone that I know that has had it done are very pleased,no restrictions after initial healing.

Clyde, Have you looked at inter-ocular lens/cataract surgery? I got mine about 14 years ago and I could not be happier. My wife is getting hers next month and looking at the brochure the science has advanced incredibly. Astigmatism, tri-focal lens, bi-focal, everything.
I personally got a far sight in one and a near sight in the other which works good for sports/kiting. But in today's science you could have bi-focals. The recovery was good for non-water sports in a few days... a month for kiting.

I was waiting to hit a certain age (old age) so that the cost would be a little more affordable. My Dr's are of the opinion that why would you take a healthy eye and do an invasive procedure for purely the convenience of less dependency on glasses or contacts'. just saw a cataract forming and I'm at the point where they can't correct it any better. I'll probably do the toric IOL next spring along with the cataract.

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Since 09 Mar 2016
260 Posts
Hood River, OR

PostSun Oct 09, 22 9:23 am    Re: PRK Reply with quote

a.benjamin76 wrote:
I got PRK over lasik and it was easily the best decision I've ever made. No more contacts and blurry vision on the water. I'm 20/15 now. PRK recovery is a couple days longer than lasik but much stronger overall when it comes to impact or taking a punch. Lasik leaves a permanent weak spot like a scar, whereas PRK is what most athletes and MMA fighters get. They both use the same laser to correct your cornea, but they differ in how access to your cornea is made. Best of luck.


I had this done in 1998 and eyesight is still 20/20 right 20/15 left. Couldn’t be happier.

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